Comparison of 13 Free Web Survey Tools in Japan Market Research


Web surveys, utilized to make more people aware of their products or services, also have the aim of analyzing the results to enhance the quality of services.

Traditionally, surveys were conducted through media such as survey forms, but in today’s era of the Internet’s prominence, Web surveys with numerous advantages have become the mainstream.

In this article, we will explore the benefits of using Web surveys, as well as the primary objectives of gathering responses and how they contribute to improving service quality.


Web Surveys Can Be Created for Free for Japanese Market Research

In today’s digital landscape, numerous web survey tools are available, ranging from free to paid options.

Despite variations in features among these tools, the advantages of conducting surveys online remain consistent. Below, we’ll explore the benefits of creating web surveys and introduce some recommended tools.

Advantages of Web Survey Tools

Firstly, there are three key advantages to using web survey creation tools. While the utilization of web survey tools has become commonplace, let’s reorganize the benefits: (If considering other methods such as paper surveys, the ease of response for participants and the operational convenience for you need to be considered.)



  1. Time-Saving: When using paper-based survey forms, numerous steps are involved, such as creating the forms, printing, distribution (via mail or other means), collecting responses, and then conducting the labor-intensive process of tallying the responses based on the returned survey forms. In contrast, web surveys eliminate the need for printing, mailing, or handling physical returns. Consequently, the time and effort associated with paper-based surveys are significantly reduced.

  2. Cost Reduction: Paper-based surveys incur costs related to printing, postage, and additional materials for responses. Web surveys, on the other hand, eliminate expenses associated with printing, postage, and the need for additional materials during the collection process. Considering the time spent on design and layout for paper-based surveys, which can contribute to increased labor costs, web surveys prove to be a more cost-effective solution.

  3. Effortless Data Aggregation: The real value of surveys lies in the ability to aggregate and utilize the collected data. However, paper surveys often face underutilization due to the labor-intensive nature of data aggregation. The manual process of reviewing each paper survey, deciphering handwritten responses, and entering data into spreadsheet software like Excel can be time-consuming and prone to errors. In contrast, web surveys streamline this process by digitally storing responses in real-time, eliminating the need for a separate, time-consuming data entry phase. This efficiency ensures that survey data can be readily and effectively utilized without unnecessary costs.


Recommended Free Web Survey Creation Tools Comparison

Web surveys can now be easily created for free using various tools. Here are some recommended tools along with their features:

  1. Questant: Provided by the reputable Macromill, known for market research. The system is based on a wealth of survey experience, making it user-friendly even for beginners not familiar with the web. It offers paid surveys targeting Yahoo! and GMO members.

  2. Google Forms: Offered by Google, this survey tool is widely known among web users. Besides surveys, it can be used for various purposes like applications. Operation is intuitive, accessible for free through Google Drive. Responses are stored in Google Drive’s spreadsheet, facilitating easy analysis, especially for those uncomfortable with Excel.

  3. Markecchi Open Survey: Offers professional-grade surveys during the free trial period. Suitable for companies, it provides options for logo placement. Ensures security, handles large traffic, and accommodates complex logic and survey questions. Free use of the aggregation tool is available.

  4. SurveyMonkey: Known for academic surveys in educational institutions, SurveyMonkey provides Japanese language support. With a focus on surveys between businesses, it offers a user-friendly experience, backed by Japanese support staff.

  5. Creative Survey: Provided by Creative Survey, this tool features a simple interface for easy survey form creation. Users can choose from various templates, eliminating the need for additional design and post-survey aggregation work.

  6. DIP Survey-Free: Utilizes the user-friendly “LimeSurvey” open survey tool with enhanced functionality. Allows selection of response types and targeted surveys. Includes result analysis, reducing the need for additional tools.

  7. Formrun: Web surveys with pre-prepared high-design templates. User-friendly and does not require email registration for immediate creation.

  8. Miltalk: Allows free surveys with up to 100 responses. Gathers opinions through a created bulletin board with comment features.

  9. Surveroid: A self-service tool from the top-ranked research platform company, offering two types of surveys: “Monitor Surveys” for over 2.7 million monitors and “Open Surveys” for freely collected members. Recommended for beginners with comprehensive support.

  10. MOMONGA Survey: Implements a lottery feature for respondents.

  11. methinQs: Easily embed surveys into your own website.

  12. Ninja Survey Form: Similar to Twitter polls, allows publicizing survey results and additional voting after publication.

  13. CubeQuery: Supports various question formats for versatile surveying.


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Key Points for Creating Effective Web Surveys

The purpose of conducting a web survey is to collect the necessary data, and the way you structure it can impact the results you obtain. Here are some key points to consider when creating an effective survey:

1. Clearly Define Your Purpose and Target Audience

  • Clearly establish the purpose of your survey. Ambiguous goals can lead to ineffective results.
  • Develop a target audience or persona to tailor your questions to specific user groups.
  • Keep the questionnaire concise, aiming for a response time of around 5 minutes.

2. Use Understandable Question Formats

  • Craft questions using language that is understandable to your target audience.
  • Avoid using overly technical terms that might be understood only by a portion of your audience.
  • Be wary of double negatives in questions, as they can lead to misinterpretation.

3. Ensure Clarity in Question Phrasing

  • Keep the phrasing of questions clear and concise.
  • Opt for simplicity to avoid confusion, and use straightforward language.
  • Provide explanations or clarifications for any terms or concepts that might be unfamiliar to respondents.

4. Minimize Length and Complexity

  • Shorten the length of your survey questions to maintain respondent interest.
  • Complex questions or those requiring significant personal information may lead to higher dropout rates.

5. Tailor Questions to Your Audience

  • Adapt the tone and language of questions to suit your target audience.
  • Create a logical flow in your survey to encourage more detailed responses.

6. Focus on Targeted Research Goals

  • Clearly define your research goals to avoid conducting surveys solely for the sake of doing so.
  • Differentiate between apparent needs and potential underlying issues that might require further investigation.
  • Consider how your research aligns with your business strategy and promotional efforts.

7. Leverage Expert Support

  • Utilize platforms like Markecchi for in-depth research, ensuring a clear understanding of your audience’s needs.
  • Seek professional assistance to avoid conducting surveys without a clear plan or to refine your research goals.

8. Utilize Targeted Surveying

  • Selectively target survey participants to focus on users with genuine interest in your product or service.
  • Avoid generic surveys that may not attract potential customers.
  • Leverage the results for promotion and user acquisition.

By following these points, you can create a more effective web survey that aligns with your goals and provides valuable insights into customer needs and preferences.


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Bridging Business Insights: Writing with Passion to Prevent Failures

As a writer, professional marketer, researcher, and translator, my fervor lies in crafting articles aimed at preventing business failures for a diverse audience. My objective is to translate the following Japanese article into English, ensuring it is easily understandable even for those unfamiliar with Japanese business culture.

Unveiling Business Insights: A Multifaceted Approach

In the business realm, a comprehensive approach is essential to prevent failures. Through my expertise, I delve into various cases, offering insights that are not only thorough but also accessible to beginners and non-experts. I accompany technical terms with annotations to provide clarity to a broad audience. Additionally, I include explanatory notes and phrases like “In Japan” to navigate the unique cultural and linguistic nuances.

Leveraging Frameworks for Clarity

To achieve clarity, I employ frameworks like MECE (Mutually Exclusive, Collectively Exhaustive) and SWOT analysis. These frameworks not only organize information logically but also act as navigational tools for readers. With symbols, line breaks, and concise content, I ensure that the article is visually appealing and easy to follow, catering to readers at various levels of expertise.

Staying Relevant with SEO Strategies

In the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing, I incorporate the latest SEO strategies into my articles. By adhering to the most current logic that ensures high search engine rankings, I optimize titles, subheadings, and utilize appropriate heading tags. This strategic approach is vital to enhancing the discoverability and visibility of the content.

SEO Enhancements within the Article

a. Meta Description: Craft a concise meta description within 120 characters, summarizing the article’s essence. b. Meta Keywords: Strategically select and include relevant keywords. c. Summary Tags: Utilize tags, separated by commas if multiple. d. Important Notes: Make sure to provide any necessary cautions or additional information.


The Most Crucial Point in Creating Surveys: Clarify Your Objectives and Targets

When creating a web survey, it’s essential to clearly define your objectives and targets. First and foremost, establishing a clear purpose for the survey is crucial. If this is vague, the survey might fall far from being effective.

To ensure a clear purpose, creating a target audience or persona is mandatory. For businesses, it’s vital to not only formulate survey questions based on what they want to know but also understand what interests users. The clarity of purpose, along with the design of personas, guides the determination of survey questions along basic information lines. Keep the number of questions minimal, aiming for a volume that respondents can answer in about 5 minutes.

The key to increasing response rates is to keep it minimal and simple. Avoid an excessive number of items, as too many questions may lead to respondent dropout. Be cautious; simplicity is key.

Strive for Clear Question Formats

The question format is as crucial as the items themselves. Using language that resonates with the user group targeted for the survey is essential. The use of specialized language that only a portion of users understands is not impressive. It’s recommended to use universally understandable language, adding explanations separately when necessary.

Moreover, avoid ambiguous levels of affirmation or near-affirmation using double negatives. Understanding the user group and being adept at using language accordingly is ideal.

Keep the length of the question short whenever possible. Lengthy questions lead to comprehension challenges, making respondents tired, increasing the likelihood of them leaving the survey. Similar to question formats, strive for simplicity and clarity.

For those desiring more detailed responses, create a flow of questions from the respondent’s perspective. Use a tone that resonates with the target audience, employ clear language, and focus on making questions easy to answer. Keep in mind that complex questions or those requiring a lot of personal information may lower response rates.

Avoiding Misguided Surveys!

Up to this point, we’ve introduced various tools for creating web surveys for free. However, with free services, there might be limitations on layout and achieving highly accurate survey results targeting specific product demographics could be challenging.

In this regard, “maa-ketchi” offers the ability to create web surveys that go beyond the capabilities of free services.

Growth Support Research

In user surveys, the first thing to decide is the research’s purpose. If the survey items are vague, the survey can easily be mistaken for the goal, and satisfaction may come only from having conducted the survey.

For example, consider a market researcher for a mobile phone manufacturer conducting a survey with the broad goal of “wanting to know the reality and dissatisfaction of users.” Even if challenges are identified based on the responses, many times, it becomes challenging to realize measures to address them.

Understanding why users are adhering to products or services and grasping the issues for users who are leaving are crucial. Clarifying these issues allows for identifying the reasons for attrition. “maa-ketchi” supports the precise clarification of these challenges.

The Importance of Targeting in Surveys

By finely selecting the target, you can narrow down the prospects, making it easier to acquire new users. In general paid survey services, without narrowing down the target, surveys may be conducted on people who have no prospect of becoming customers. This approach prevents the targeting of real potential customers who might become customers with a little promotion. Conducting surveys for users with service needs through refined targeting allows for inducing them toward service usage. As a result, you can simultaneously conduct promotions at the cost of customer survey expenses.

“maa-ketchi” is the only service that allows for acquiring actual users who will use the service while conducting customer surveys during the launch of new businesses.

Those who answer the survey will spread it through word of mouth or reviews on social media. Consequently, various methods of PR can be realized, leading to accessing the intended website and guiding potential customers to in-store purchases.

Free Assistance for Web Survey Question Design

We have introduced various tools for creating surveys with ease. Still, limitations might exist in free services, such as restricted layouts or the challenge of obtaining accurate survey results targeting specific product demographics.

In this context, “markecchi” offers the ability to create web surveys that go beyond the capabilities of free services.

Conclusion: Utilizing Web Survey Free Tools

We’ve provided an overview of tools released by various companies, allowing easy creation of surveys. However, “maa-ketchi” stands out as it enables functionalities that are not possible with free services.

When creating a web survey, defining objectives and targets clarifies the necessary features for your company. The purpose of the survey is not just to obtain answers; rather, it’s about effectively utilizing results to increase loyal users. Therefore, it’s crucial to focus on how to leverage the obtained results.





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